10/10/2018 / By JD Heyes
As violent as the lunatic Left has gotten, there are renewed pledges from the perpetually angry to take their hate to a new level after losing the battle to keep Justice Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.
But if you believe far-Left Politico, it’s Republicans who have been “ruthless” in the age of POTUS Trump, despite the fact that Trump supporters and conservatives have repeatedly been targeted by angry liberals and anarchists.
As for the Kavanaugh battle, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee went from new low to new low in their bid to destroy him professionally and personally with a carefully orchestrated “wrap-up smear campaign,” aided and abetted by their sycophantic allies in the mainstream media who took time away from trafficking in fake news to lend assistance.
Talk about ruthless. Democrats paraded in women who accused Kavanaugh of everything from simple groping and sexual assault to sticking his ‘manhood’ in a girl’s face and cultivating “rape trains” for other boys by spiking the punch at parties and drugging girls. Corroboration of allegations didn’t matter (because there wasn’t any); allegations were enough. Democrats even went so far as to dispense with the bedrock legal principle of our nation: The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Talk about ruthless. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., have both called for Democratic supporters to ‘get in the faces’ of Republicans and Trump Cabinet members no matter where they are – in public or even at their homes. These are dog whistles to the mentally deranged, the socially awkward, and the fringe Leftists who needs just a small nudge to pick up a weapon and kill someone (which has already happened once – yes, Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., we’re thinking about you).
Talk about ruthless. Democrats who think a “blue wave” is going to carry them back into power, at least in the House, next month are already talking about impeaching both POTUS Trump and Justice Kavanaugh for nothing but silly allegations that have no basis in fact.
Ruthless? Democrats have proven time and again they would rather blow up our governing institutions than work within them to convince enough voters to put them in charge. The Democratic Party, which has lurched Leftward faster than Michael Moore leaps at a steak, no longer believes that having a debate with political opponents is the key to winning hearts and minds. They have eschewed civility in deference to anarchy and toss about notions of violent revolution as though they believe they are modern-day renditions of the Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty. (Related: Left-wing VIOLENCE has created a ‘new normal’ for GOP Congress: Dramatic increase in THREATS.)
Who’s ruthless? It’s not Republicans.
As Breitbart News’John Nolte notes:
After launching at least a half-dozen debunked and outright phony allegations of criminal sexual deviancy against Kavanaugh, after accusing him of running a gang rape ring where women were drugged as a means to incapacitate them, after legitimizing the harassment of President Trump and Kavanaugh supporters up to and including chasing them out of public spaces, Democrats are thinking about becoming “more ruthless”?
Other than violence, what is left?
He mocks Politico’s assertion that Democrats “keep playing by a set of rules” despite the fact that Democrats have openly demonstrated they have discarded the rules – for decorum, for Senate precedence and procedure, for the normal confirmation process, and through their refusal to accept the results of the 2016 presidential election.
If after everything they’ve done so far, “Democrats fear they must become even more ruthless to obtain power, I guess we now know why they are so desperate to abolish the Second Amendment,” Nolte writes.
No truer words.
Democrats can become “more ruthless,” of course, but to imply they haven’t been already is the pinnacle of absurdity.
Read more about the unhinged Democrats at Unhinged.news.
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Tagged Under: Brett Kavanaugh, civil war, Cory Booker, democrats, divisive, Maxine Waters, political violence, reprisal, Republicans, ruthless, terrorism, violence