04/17/2019 / By JD Heyes
Once upon a time, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, could at least have a conversation about the important issues of the day and, often, come to some sort of mutually acceptable compromise.
Those days are long gone, however, and what’s more, our country appears to have reached a point of no return — no compromise — on the thorniest, most divisive issues. So what comes next is all-out political ‘war’ and a winner-take-all mentality. The results will define our country for generations to come.
Witness the hyper-partisanship and hypersensitivity over criticism of a Muslim member of congress — Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) — for her jerk-like comments regarding the 9/11 attacks this week and earlier statements regarding Jews.
As noted by Guy Benson at Town Hall, GOP and conservative criticism over Ilhan’s insensitive and, some believe intentionally explosive, comments are being conflated by Democrat defenders as akin to racism, bigotry, and incitement to violence when, of course, they are nothing of the sort:
In their defenses of Rep. Ilhan Omar, many fellow Democrats and leftist partisans have conflated vehement critiques with incitement, a transparent and deliberate effort to deflect and disqualify entirely reasonable and justified anger over Omar’s pattern of incendiary, bigoted, or insensitive comments. She’s a walking political problem for the Left, so they’re attempting to paint those who notice and object as engaging in dangerous, out-of-bounds rhetoric. It’s cynical, and it must not succeed.
Meanwhile, some of Omar’s same Democratic defenders in Congress and the propaganda media have no reservations about using explosive, divisive, and intentionally inflammatory language to describe POTUS Donald Trump’s actions, policies, and statements, often on an hourly basis. (Related: It’s time for radical, Israel-hating Leftist Ilhan Omar to resign from Congress for racist attacks on Jewish people.)
In fact, some of them continue to claim that the president is a Manchurian candidate working on behalf of Mother Russia — even after the man appointed specifically to investigate that allegation, Robert Mueller, has said that didn’t happen.
So, if conservative criticism of Omar is “incitement” — she claims she’s getting death threats after saying that 9/11 was something that “some people did” — isn’t the incessant, highly inflammatory language used by Left-wing extremists incitement of violence against the president?
No, of course not; Trump ‘deserves’ it while poor, little Omar is just being bullied by Trump-aligned ‘bigots.’
And yet, just a superficial analysis of anecdotal evidence clearly indicates that the extreme Left is responsible both for inciting violence and carrying out violence:
— Socialist Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson shot and nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) and former staffer Matt Mika in July 2017 because he was angry about the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare;
— Far-Left Antifa members and supporters have regularly engaged in violent protests against Trump supporters and conservative speakers at events around the country;
— Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has called on Democrat supporters to physically confront Trump administration officials in public and let them know in no uncertain terms “they’re not welcome here;”
— GOP members of Congress have received their share of threats too, as well as physical assaults.
The National Sentinel reported nearly a year ago that threats and violence against GOP members are becoming the “new normal” for Leftists. The New York Post added: “Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia bought body armor. Rep. Gregg Harper hired armed security guards for events back home in Mississippi. And Rep. Dan Dovonan fortified his Brooklyn and Staten Island offices with security cameras and buzzer systems. This is the new normal for members of Congress. … The threats against them have skyrocketed.”
Abraham Lincoln once observed that America must be all slave or all free, that it could not survive trying to be both. The same is true now: America cannot survive if one side of the political spectrum feels it is immune to legitimate criticism while maintaining that any and all criticism of the other side is not only fair but warranted.
Read more about the Left’s intolerance and violence will lead to civil war at Intolerance.news and CivilWar.news.
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Tagged Under: bigotry, bigots, criticism, democrats, divisive politics, double standard, hypocrisy, identity politics, Ilhan Omar, insanity, left cult, Left-wing extremists, President Trump, Racists, threats, Twisted, two systems, Tyranny, violence, vitriol