News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
University of Minnesota experiences surge in crime after it severed ties with Minneapolis Police Department
Just days after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota – a death which would spark a nationwide wave of engineered rioting – the University of Minnesota (UMN) elected to sever its ties with the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). This may have been the wrong decision, as the university has experienced a massive increase in on-campus violence in the weeks following it. […]
By Arsenio Toledo
“I need to buy a firearm”: Seattle radio host who mocked Trump has apartment building ransacked by rioters
“Cat Dad” Paul Gallant, a Seattle-based radio host who took to Twitter back in June to strongly criticize President Donald Trump’s demand that the riots in Seattle stop, came home one day to find that his apartment complex had been destroyed by rioters. This has caused him to reevaluate his beliefs about firearms. Gallant – who co-hosts […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Portland rioters ARMED with “knives, rifles and explosives” – Attorney General Barr
Speaking with members of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, July 28, Attorney General William Barr told congressmen that rioters in Portland have been bringing deadly weapons, such as “knives, rifles and explosives,” as well as other, more rudimentary weapons to protests. “Every night for the past two months a mob of hundreds of rioters have laid siege […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Federal officers fight back against Portland rioters who launched fireworks into Federal Courthouse
Federal law enforcement officers in Portland have fought back against Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters in Portland, Oregon by firing tear gas and other crowd-control munitions into the violent mob. The whole incident occurred Thursday evening, July 23, on the 56th consecutive night of riots in Portland. The riot continued well into the early morning hours on […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Acting DHS Secretary Wolf says federal agents will not withdraw from Portland
Chad Wolf, the Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has stated clearly that under no circumstances will he be withdrawing federal officers from Portland. Wolf pointed out that civil unrest was still rampant in the city, and federal agents and properties were still being threatened by rioters. “The DHS is not going to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Portland passes resolution barring police from cooperating with federal law enforcement
The Portland City Council has passed a resolution that explicitly prohibits the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) from cooperating or in any way working with federal law enforcement agencies. On Wednesday, July 22, Portlands three commissioners, Chloe Eudaly, Amanda Fritz and Jo Ann Hardesty, as well as by Mayor Ted Wheeler, who also sits on the council, unanimously […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Violent Antifa rioters once again terrorize Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood as Mayor watches and does nothing
A violent mob of Antifa rioters gathered in Seattle late on the evening of Wednesday, July 22, to once again wreak havoc upon the city. Footage taken during the event showed rioters breaking into private businesses and setting cars on fire in a burst of renewed rioting fervor. According to the Seattle Police Department (SPD), around 150 Antifa […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf says federal agents will not retreat from Portland
Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Chad Wolf, said on Tuesday, July 21, that they will not be retreating from Portland. He further said that it’s the Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters that need to leave. “If you are a violent rioter looking to inflict damage on federal property or law enforcement officers, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Law enforcement officers in Portland doxed by Antifa
At least 38 law enforcement officers who have been responding strongly to the endless rioting in Portland have been doxed, according to Richard Cline, the deputy director of the Federal Protective Service (FPS). Doxing is a cyber attack that involves the release of an individual’s personal and private information over the internet. What is leaked during these attacks […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Federal agents in Portland forced to retreat within the Federal Courthouse
Due to unrelenting pressure from thousands of rioters, many of whom are armed with improvised projectile weapons, federal agents in Portland have decided to retreat to their main base: the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse. Taskforce agents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other federal departments believed that they were going to spend most of their […]
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