News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
VIOLENCE IS THEIR RELIGION: Abortion advocates in LA attack cops with rocks, smash squad car windows
Violence erupted in Los Angeles after pro-abortion extremists stormed the streets in response to the leaked Supreme Court plan to overturn Roe v. Wade. According to Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Chief Michel Moore, protesters swarmed Pershing Square and began throwing rocks at police officers. Some of them also smashed squad car windows, injuring one […]
By Ethan Huff
California is trying to legalize infanticide up to several WEEKS after a child is born
Lawmakers in the Golden State are pushing new legislation that would codify the legalized murder of children days or even weeks after they leave the womb. New language added to Assembly Bill 2223 would shield a woman from civil and criminal charges for “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, […]
By Ethan Huff
IMF now warning that food supply shortages will create waves of social unrest across the globe
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a warning about the future, which looks grim. If things continue as they are now – and they more than likely will – global food shortages will continue. The result will be supply issues and civil unrest, likely beginning in the Third World and spreading from there. Protests […]
By Ethan Huff
Are vaccines killing “people of color” at twice the rate of whites?
The head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Joe Biden has claimed that vaccines are killing people with dark skin at a much higher rate than people with light skin. Speaking at a digital “White House Convening on Equity” seminar on April 14, Xavier Becerra casually blurted out that he […]
By Ethan Huff
Proposed law in Maryland would allow mothers to kill their babies up to 28 days AFTER birth
Sen. William Smith (D-Md.) has proposed new legislation in Maryland that would legalize “abortion” up to 28 days after a child is born. Senate Bill 669, also called the “Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022,” provisions that a newborn baby can be left to die for up to a month after being born in the […]
By Ethan Huff
Poland surrenders entire fleet of MIG-29 fighter jets to latest escalation of NATO war against Russia
Caving to pressure from NATO, the government of the Republic of Poland has announced that it will now hand over the country’s entire fleet of MIG-29 fighter jets to the United States to aid in the war against Russia. Following consultations between the president and the rest of the country’s government, Poland decided to immediately […]
By Ethan Huff
Despite bombing seven countries back to the Stone Age himself, Obama blasts Putin for invading one
Barack Hussein Obama is once again sticking his nose in affairs that do not concern him. In response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Obama claimed that the event violates the “basic principles of human decency,” calling the military operation a “brazen attack.” Even though Obama bombed not one, not two, not three, but […]
By Ethan Huff
Radical far-left anarchist attacks Freedom Convoy protest, gets charged as hit-and-run rather than hate crime
A Charlottesville-type hit-and-run incident occurred in Winnipeg the other day during the ongoing Freedom Convoy trucker protests. And the Canadian government, rather than label it as the hate crime it was, is going for the lesser charge because the culprit is a left-wing anarchist. David Zegarac, an “anarchist activist” with a history of criminal activity, […]
By Ethan Huff
Murder rates across U.S. soared in 2021 to record levels amid engineered collapse of society
The official numbers are out, and they show that the murder rate in the United States is currently the highest it has been in 25 years. Nearly 20,000 people, according to the figures, lost their lives last year in America to someone else deliberately and maliciously ending them. The last time things were this bad […]
By Ethan Huff
Is the Biden regime gearing up to commit mass genocide against Christians?
An obscure Washington, D.C.-based entity called the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) has been tasked by the Biden regime with compiling lists of Americans who refuse Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” on religious grounds. Some believe this Orwellian tracking move will create a model for the entire U.S. government to collect the names and “personal religious information” […]
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