News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Cancer industry kills far more black people than police do, but nobody is rioting against cancer clinics in low-income neighborhoods
As hordes of angry protesters, violent rioters, and careless looters tear up America’s cities as a show of support and solidarity for black people, not a single social justice warrior anywhere is addressing one of the biggest killers of black people in America today: cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, African Americans “have the […]
By Ethan Huff
Amazon allies with communist-funded Antifa terrorism
If you were wondering where Amazon stands on all the looting and rioting taking place across America, the company has indicated that it is in full support of it. In a recent statement, the Jeff Bezos-owned e-commerce giant lent its support to the movement to take over cities and wreak havoc, indicating that it is […]
By Ethan Huff
Planned Parenthood freaking out that abortions aren’t considered “essential” during coronavirus pandemic
Millions of people are out of work. Thousands are unable to get elective surgeries. Many are struggling to remain positive as they sit in isolation waiting for the pandemic to end. And the only thing Planned Parenthood can think about is how supposedly unfair it is that women are not allowed to get non-essential abortions. […]
By Ethan Huff
Nobel Prize winner who discovered HIV says coronavirus was definitely released from Wuhan lab, contains HIV DNA
The guy who’s credited with having first discovered the AIDS virus, and who won a Nobel Prize in Medicine for it, has made some unsettling claims about the alleged nature of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). According to French virologist Luc Montagnier, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) didn’t originate at a Wuhan wet market like the mainstream […]
By Ethan Huff
International program to eliminate blacks via hidden infertility chemical in vaccines is actually named the “Eliminate Project”
Many people don’t realize it, but the so-called humanitarian organization UNICEF (an arm of the World Health Organization) does not exist for the purpose of helping to save the poor and disadvantaged of our planet from poverty and plight. As evidenced with its “The Eliminate Project,” UNICEF is actually working covertly to eliminate the poor […]
By Ethan Huff
Catholic university professors are now supportive of murdering babies
A cohort of 44 Catholic professors from King’s University College in London, Ontario, is demanding that the school issue a public apology for allowing the pro-life film Unplanned to be screened on campus. Even though abortion is forbidden within the Catholic religion, these professors contend that the film created “furor and fear” within the student and faculty bodies because some found […]
By Ethan Huff
Human rights organization says unborn babies aren’t human and have no rights
Kenneth Roth, the head of a so-called “human rights” organization known as Human Rights Watch, recently came out to claim that unborn babies have no human rights because they aren’t human like adult women who have the “human right” to get abortions if they so choose. Speaking to the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights, Roth […]
By Ethan Huff
Tesla vehicles are now committing homicide on the streets of America. Why isn’t the corporation being held responsible?
A few days into the new year it was reported that yet another Tesla car had gotten into a serious accident, smashing into a moving vehicle at a “high rate of speed” before its highly flammable battery suddenly burst into flames. The incident took place in Salt Lake City, and while some news reports are saying that the Tesla […]
By Ethan Huff
WikiHow propaganda article claims vaccine injuries are a “conspiracy theory” peddled by violent, abusive parents
If you’re under the age of 18 and your parents won’t let you get vaccinated, then they must hate you and want you to die. This is what WikiHow is telling children, anyway, in a new “learn how to do anything” information page that teaches young ones how to secretly get vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge or […]
By Ethan Huff
CORONAVIRUS: Is China paying the price for extreme animal cruelty?
If you’ve been following the progression of the coronavirus outbreak, then you likely know that authorities are blaming tainted meat sold at the Wuhan, China, Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market for causing it. This market, in case you didn’t know, sells all sorts of “exotic” meats derived from rodents, as well as from animals that most […]
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