News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Those who side with Democrats are siding with DEATH, warns Pro-Life Health Ranger
Democratic lawmakers in two states made huge advances last week in destroying what remains of decent, traditional American culture by either passing or moving closer to passing legislation that allows the destruction of a viable human life right up to a mother’s full term of pregnancy. Late last month Democrats in New York State shocked […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats transform into DEMONS right before our eyes with new bloodlust laws that legalize the MURDER of “unwanted” human babies
By now it should be obvious that the Democratic Party is engaged in a full-on push to ‘legalize’ what amounts to “infanticide” — the wanton, purposeful murder of full-term babies in the womb as well as some outside of the womb if they’ve been marked for death by the mother and her physician. In January […]
By JD Heyes
The masses can VOTE their way into socialism, but you always end up having to SHOOT your way out of it
Like war, getting into socialism is always much easier than getting out of it. But also like war, humans tend to romanticize what socialism’s really like when they’ve never experienced it. That may change if any one of the declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidates win the White House or if one likely-to-run Independent, Sen. Bernie […]
By JD Heyes
Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, publicly endorses “infanticide” as he voices support for legislation allowing abortion to term
Earlier this month Democrats in New York State shocked the consciences of tens of millions of Americans when they passed, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed, legislation that, according to some experts who’ve read the measure, allows doctors to kill an unborn baby right up to term. Worse, as NewsTarget reports, the legislation also permits non-physicians […]
By JD Heyes
It’s time for all to admit: Leftists want to MURDER their political opponents, and if they gain enough power, they’ll launch execution squads nationwide
Since before Donald Trump defeated one of the most criminally corrupt presidential nominees in the history of our country to become our 45th president, extreme Leftist factions within the Democrat Party began calling him a “Nazi” because he dared to oppose the political establishment’s open borders orthodoxy. Many conservatives and some liberals were aghast. Hitler, […]
By JD Heyes
With the armed police-state raid on Roger Stone, the corrupt FBI has become Robert Mueller’s private mercenary army that terrorizes political targets
After watching CNN’s footage of the arrest of longtime conservative political operative Roger Stone Friday, it’s hard to reach any conclusion other than the Deep State, working through special counsel Robert Mueller, has completely co-opted what was left of our justice system. Let us count the ways America is becoming a police state. First and […]
By JD Heyes
The next false flag now being OPENLY pushed by Democrats: They say they need “a new massacre” to succeed with gun control
Emboldened by ongoing and obvious witch hunts of the president, the co-opting of governmental institutions, Democratic gains in the House, and the dominance of “progressive” ideology in academia and pop culture, the American Left is making a full-on push to steal all remaining power in the country and, when obtained, use it to crush all […]
By JD Heyes
Have you committed a “HATcrime?” It’s the new crime of wearing a hat that “triggers” deranged Leftists
The American Left is becoming increasingly triggered — and authoritarian — the longer POTUS Donald Trump remains in office, behaving in a manner that was actually predicted by a 1940s author, George Orwell. In his classic “1984,” Orwell wrote a “fictional” account of a future totalitarian, all-powerful government that spies on everyone using all manner […]
By JD Heyes
Kentucky prosecutor looking into criminal charges against lunatic Leftists who made threats against Covington students — isn’t it time to arm teachers?
Leftists who have lost all ability to be rational due to advanced stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome took to Twitter — as usual — to denounce the Covington Catholic High kids wearing MAGA hats after scores of mainstream media (MSM) outlets falsely reported they harassed a Native American elder named Nathan Phillips. Subsequent reporting and […]
By JD Heyes
Antifa MUST be declared a terrorist group after attempted assassination of German politician
In a social media post that has since been deleted, an Antifa organization claimed its members were responsible for attacking and nearly killing a German member of parliament to “free him” of his “fascist” ideas. In a “breaking” Twitter post last week, Belgian-born Greek journalist Sotiri Dimpinoudis wrote that German AfD Minister of Parliament Frank […]
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