News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Gavin Newsom’s “Abortion Council” introduces legislation to permit INFANTICIDE before and after birth
After assaulting basic human rights for over two years, California Governor Gavin Newsom is working on a new INFANTICIDE bill that would legalize the murder of children up to nine months gestation and in the week(s) after birth. The bill has been proposed by Newsom’s “Future of Abortion Council” which makes recommendations to “strengthen and […]
By Lance D Johnson
Psycho vaccine pusher runs her SUV over the car of an “anti-vaxxer” and brags on video
Canadian police refuse to press charges against a psycho vaccine pusher who used her vehicle to attack innocent people who were standing up for their freedoms. The belligerent woman was also recorded vandalizing personal property and threatening people alongside the road. The videos show that the woman had clear intent to harm others. The belligerent […]
By Lance D Johnson
Looting and violence become a normal way of life in lawless, morally bankrupt, Democrat-run cities
The modern-day Democrat Party does not believe in Constitutional order, let alone the rule of law. This has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout 2020 and 2021. Pandering to the radical left, mainstream Democrats have embraced anti-cop rhetoric and a “de-fund the police” movement that only encourages more crime and lawlessness. Without standards to live by, Democrat […]
By Lance D Johnson
Media-generated racial hatred toward white men fuels riots and mass shootings
After the horrific shooting in Boulder, Colorado, the mainstream media began to spin a narrative of racial hatred, claiming repeatedly that the shooter was a “white male.” From the start, the weaponized media began to spread disinformation to paint the “white male” as the stereotypical terrorist. This disinformation is solely designed to foment hatred toward […]
By Lance D Johnson
Hospital falsely imprisons elderly woman and conscripts a police force to bar her from family members
Medical tyranny continues. The Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington violated both ethics and law when they falsely imprisoned an elderly woman in their facility. According to family reports, the falsely imprisoned woman was admitted for a urinary tract infection and agreed to stay overnight in the hospital. Upon entry, she did not […]
By Lance D Johnson
Remember when Whoopi Goldberg said riots in D.C. would be “fun to watch?”
After Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States, Democrats spent many months trying to remove him from office. Some Democrats advocated for violence in the streets, assault of Trump supporters, and mob-style tactics toward republican lawmakers. During an April 22, 2018 segment of “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg even said a riot in […]
By Lance D Johnson
As Biden takes office and calls for “unity,” violent leftists reignite their riots and attack a federal courthouse
During the theatrical Joe Biden inauguration, two cities on the West Coast erupted in violence. These rioters were not Trump supporters. They were not citizens protesting election fraud. The violence was caused by the far-left group called Antifa. Feeling invincible after months of looting and terrorizing people, Antifa groups took to the streets as soon […]
By Lance D Johnson
Exposed: Left-wing insurrectionists planned to turn Trump rally into violent riot
Left-wing rioters, who participated in violent insurrection throughout the summer of 2020, were exposed online and on camera, bragging about infiltrating the Save America March on January 6th and turning it violent. A left-wing activist named John Earle Sullivan was exposed on video inside the Capitol, bragging “we gotta get this shit burned,” “it’s our […]
By Lance D Johnson
Clinical insanity: Dems now claim that when Trump calls for PEACE, he secretly means VIOLENCE
No matter what Trump does or says, the Democrats continue to invert his words to make him out to be a racist, a criminal, and now, an insurrectionist. Former FBI official Andrew McCabe went on national television and claimed that Trump’s video message calling for peace is actually “coded language.” Even though Trump is calling […]
By Lance D Johnson
Antifa threatening the President, his supporters and the legal system as courts review widespread election fraud
The electoral college, the state legislatures and the Supreme Court are heading into uncharted territory as the 2020 Presidential election turns up more voter fraud by the day, which includes remote election software interference, cyber warfare, restricted transparency, election official coercion, ballot harvesting, ID fraud and mail-in ballot fraud, all evidenced by statistical anomalies, data […]
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