News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
The standards set by Stalin, Mao and Alinsky are the agenda for Democrats and the domestic terrorists they support in 2020
Once again, celebrities and others are injecting their idiocy into the current protests over the death of George Floyd. Patton Oswalt, an unknown actor to most, has again defended the progressive socialist group Antifa with the D-Day landing. Much like CNN made the point during the attacks in Portland and Berkeley. Virtue-signaling leftists have ignored […]
By News Editors
Vandalism is POP now: Popular Mechanics under fire for science-friendly advice on ‘how to topple statues’…
The hit science magazine Popular Mechanics has sparked backlash online after embracing the violent side of the ongoing protests in the US, giving step-by-step instructions on how to safely raze monuments to historical figures. (Article republished from Eager to commit an act of vandalism but have little experience and want to make sure you […]
By News Editors
Mayor celebrates Black Lives Matter riots until her home is targeted, now she is crying about terrorism
Olympia, Wash. Mayor Cheryl Selby supported Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters until they came and vandalized her home. (Article by Shane Trejo republished from Selby even got down on her knees to grovel and show fealty to the left-wing mob as they use violence to gain power in the streets. Last week, reports indicated that “two […]
By News Editors
Hey, news media, the police are ‘overwhelmingly peaceful’ too
The national media avoid reporting violence instigated by Black Lives Matter protesters. But when they do, they’re always certain to repeat over and over that “the vast majority of protesters are peaceful.” (Article by Eddie Scarry republished from How about we extend that same courtesy to the police? They patrol every town in America every […]
By News Editors
CHAZ occupier suggests ’rounding up all the white people’ into work brigades
A post that appeared on the subreddit for the Seattle ‘CHAZ’ autonomous zone that has been taken over by left-wing extremists suggests rounding up all the white people and organizing them into forced work brigades. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from That’s right. Some of the very same people protesting against racism and […]
By News Editors
If you’re white and they’re not, It’ll always be your fault
According to the media narrative, whatever unpleasant behavior a person or group is engaging in—from criminal activity to sheer terrorism—if you’re white and they’re not, that proves their behavior is entirely your fault. Your insufferable racism and xenophobia have pushed them over the top; their criminal behavior is a reflection of their many grievances against you. […]
By News Editors
The political Left used George Floyd’s dead body as a social justice marionette
There is an important question in the George Floyd case that almost no one seems to be asking, and I think it needs to be addressed: Is there any evidence that George Floyd died because he is black? (Article by Brandon Smith republished from I bring it up because the prevailing narrative from the […]
By News Editors
America, we are leaving
I grew up in a law enforcement family. My father worked his way up to the rank to Captain at the Ft. Smith (AR) Police Department. As I kid I remember going with him on Friday to pick up his check and I was in awe of these super heroes he worked around. (Article by […]
By News Editors
Malkin: The monumental campaign to #CancelAmerica
Across our looted plain, statues are under siege. Smashed. Spray-painted. Shrouded. Expunged. In the name of social justice, we are witnessing the systematic eradication of history. Edifice vigilantes will not rest until all monuments of Western civilization fall. (Article by Michelle Malkin republished from It matters not whether the targets were guilty of the […]
By News Editors
The Barbarians are in charge: Scenes from the sacking of America
On June 9, I tweeted out the following: “Seattle’s East Precinct has fallen, as Police Chief Carmen Best orders Seattle Police to evacuate. The occupiers, aka the ‘peaceful protesters,’ declare victory. ‘They’ve given us the precinct,’ they boast. NOT EVEN IN South Africa.” (Article by Ilana Mercer republished from A mere day on, and the City […]
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