As Democrats and Left-wing “progressive” anti-gun activists continue to push for gun bans and other erosions of the Second Amendment …
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has put together an online “hate map” that depicts the locations of every so-called …
A murder-suicide is being implicated in the ongoing and growing opioid addiction crisis besmirching Indiana. Michael Jarvis shot Dr. Todd …
Leftists in America have an incredibly warped sense of loyalty and justice, as evidenced by an extremely sad case in …
The fact that a growing number of lunatics within the entertainment industry are bedeviled with Trump Derangement Syndrome can no …
And now the full lunacy of the deranged, violent Left is on display for the world to see: “Comedian” Kathy …
Rachelle Cohen believes that anyone who opposes mercury in vaccines should be hanged to death. She’s a veteran writer / …
The Democrat-run city of Balitmore, Md., has seen better days. At a news briefing, Mayor Catherine Pugh told the press …